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outdoor security camera
March 21, 2023

Top Neighborhood Safety Tips For Indianapolis

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of your neighborhood, because it’s where your children grow up and the backdrop for much of your life. It is understandable that you wish to keep it protected. Fortunately, you are able to do just that by implementing a few easy neighborhood safety tips for Indianapolis. Simply taking small actions like connecting with your fellow residents and setting up a home security system will make a significant impact in enhancing the safety of all.

1. Purchase A Modern Indianapolis Home Security System

The safety of your home and neighborhood go hand in hand. By implementing a home security system, you're discouraging criminal activity and helping keep prowlers out of your community. Contemporary systems that allow you to remotely turn on lights or check your outdoor camera's live video feed are powerful tools. When you incorporate 24-hour monitoring, you'll have a complete line of protection ready to take action regardless of where you are.

2. Get To Know Your Neighbors

Introducing yourself when new residents move in is a beneficial neighborhood safety tip, but it’s smart to take it a step further and become acquainted with them. Do they have kids? Do both parents work? Chances are you will discover ways to assist one another, even if it's just making a phone call if you see something out of the ordinary. Many areas will arrange social gatherings or have smaller groups like book clubs. Join in when possible, and if your neighborhood shares information on social media, make certain you have access to it. This is a great way to get instant information on everything that’s going on.

3. Maintain Your Indianapolis Property And Neighborhood

From a criminal’s viewpoint, occupants who are lax about maintaining their yard and neighborhood might also be careless about their home’s security. Try not to make your property and surrounding area appealing to potential invaders. Keep it tidy, and be sure bushes and trees close to entrances are well-groomed, so you don't by accident create spots to hide. Outdoor cameras and motion-sensing lights are also excellent means of deterring crime. If there's an open lot in the community, assemble a volunteer group to keep it free of weeds and well-maintained.

4. Make Plans If You’re Going To Be Out Of Town

An empty house is always a preferred target. Whenever mail is spilling out of your mailbox or snowfall is piling up on your driveway, it's pretty clear you're not there. Simply asking a neighbor to retrieve your mail or hiring someone to keep your driveway and sidewalks clear is a smart idea. Home automation is also tremendously beneficial as you are able to have lights switch on at specific times to make it seem like you're on site.

5. Be Cautious Of What You Circulate On Social Media Networks

Although you're enthusiastic about an upcoming family vacation or a much needed night out with friends, you don’t have to share with the public when you're going to be gone. Be cautious of what you share on social media websites, even if it's a non-public community page. Advertising your plans to be absent is never a smart idea.

Boost Safety By Installing a Home Security System From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Deter crime at your Indianapolis home and make your community less appealing to invaders with a modern home security system from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Let us enlighten you on how we are able to boost safety with impressive tools like video cameras and home automation. All you need to do is contact us at (317) 268-5461 or complete the form below to get started.